const currentPage = dv.current().file;
const dailyPages = dv.pages('"0-Daily"');
const currentPageName =;
const index = dailyPages.findIndex((e) => {return === currentPageName});
if (index < 1) {
	dv.table(["File", "Created", "Size"],[]);
} else {
	const lastIndex = index - 1;
	const lastPage = dailyPages[lastIndex].file;
	const allPages = dv.pages().values;
	const searchPages = [];
	const lastTime = dv.parse(;
	const currentTime = dv.parse(;
	for (let page of allPages) {
		const pageFile = page.file;
		if (pageFile.ctime > lastTime && pageFile.ctime <= currentTime) {
	dv.table(["File", "Created", "Size"], searchPages.sort((a, b) => a.ctime > b.ctime ? 1 : -1).map(b => [, b.ctime, b.size]));


Modern native git hooks made easy

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