


properties.put("com.fr.third.v2.org.quartz.jobStore.lockHandler.class", "com.fr.scheduler.cluster.FineSemaphore");
public interface Semaphore {  
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     *     * Interface.  
     *     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
     * Grants a lock on the identified resource to the calling thread (blocking     * until it is available).     ** @param conn Database connection used to establish lock.  Can be null if  
     * <code>{@link #requiresConnection()}</code> returns false.  
     ** @return true if the lock was obtained.  
     */    boolean obtainLock(Connection conn, String lockName) throws LockException;  
     * Release the lock on the identified resource if it is held by the calling     * thread.     */    void releaseLock(String lockName) throws LockException;  
     * Whether this Semaphore implementation requires a database connection for     * its lock management operations.     ** @see #obtainLock(Connection, String)  
     * @see #releaseLock(String)  
     */    boolean requiresConnection();  

直接通过 Quartz 提供的 Semaphore 接口,进行集群锁的锁定。